miércoles, 19 de junio de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Winter Storm Vigilantes


El noveno LP de estudio de los finlandeses Ensiferum está ya a la vista para disfrute de los que les seguimos, será de forma oficial en el mes de octubre, llevando por título "Winter Storm". En los últimos tiempos está claro que la banda ha ido cambiando, cada vez incluyendo más elementos power a sus composiciones, algo que es aún más evidente desde la incorporación del teclista Pekka Montin en 2020, que dejo su sello en su anterior obra "Thalassic" de ese 2020 y que parece continuar adquiriendo protagonismo en este nuevo album a juzgar por el primero de los adelantos del mismo, "Winter storm vigilantes" del que dejo un enlace a youtube de su clip oficial.




In the realm of frost and bitter cold
Where winter's wrath begins to unfold
There dwell the brave, the valiant few
Winter storm vigilantes, mighty and true

Through the blizzards, through the storms, they won't let evil grow
With frost in their veins and fire in their hearts
They fight the darkness, tearing evil apart

Their winged beasts soar through the frigid air
Majestic and swift, with fiery manes they wear
With snowflakes as their armor glints
On horses of steel they ride to victory

In the moonlit snow, they take their stand
Protectors of this frozen land
Their hearts are cold but they carry the flame
Winter storm vigilantes, is their name

In the depths of winter's biting embrace
They chase injustice, a relentless race
Through frozen valleys and mountain peaks
Winter storm vigilantes, justice they seek

Through the blizzards, through the storms, they won't let evil grow
With frost in their veins and fire in their hearts
They fight the darkness, tearing evil apart

Oh, can you see them fly
High across the skies
Their swords shine in the moonlight

The enchanted flame in the night
Guiding them forward, their purpose in sight
On steeds of steel, they ride with pride
Winter storm vigilantes, the heroes who won't ever hide

As winter yields to the coming spring
The vigilantes' legacy, a tale to sing
Their steel horses rest until the next call
Winter storm vigilantes, the protectors of all

Through the blizzards, through the storms, they won't let evil grow
With frost in their veins and fire in their hearts
They fight the darkness, tearing evil apart

Winter storm vigilantes! 

By Nash 

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