domingo, 23 de junio de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Triddana - Champion Of The Fools


Parece que la banda argentina Triddana va de nuevo dando muestras de vida compositiva a través de un single de adelanto de lo que será su nuevo album de estudio (el que sería el quinto), del que no se sabe aún la fecha exacta de publicación pero si su título, "Breaking from the fold". El título del adelanto "Champion of the fools" que muestra como el grupo sigue su senda abierta tras su separación de Skiltron en 2011, perpetuando su sonido y su concepto general. Dejo un enlace a youtube de este single "Champios of the fools". 


 The gate is open all will join the parade
Candles are held in the blazing sunlight
You play the hero but you're part of the game
Like a champion of the fools
They will charm you

They're calling, you'll heed...
You bow to kiss the seal

For the master, for the meaning
Guising what you've become
Sleeping soundly, blessed with the feel that
You'll never pay for your crimes ...hear me now

The oil is burning the machines never rest
The dirt is on your hands but you will deny that
So many lies run deeper than you think
But you're doing what you're told
So you're fine

Weaved in the shadows
Straight into your eager minds
Sunk in the marrow
Minions in line given crumbs

Sheep gather, they cheer
All crushed under the wheel

By Nash

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