sábado, 22 de junio de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Manticora - Dragon's Mist


La escena danesa siempre contribuyó a la escena internacional con bandas de gran calidad, aunque en no pocas ocasiones con menor reconocimiento que otras a pesar de la mencionada calidad, Manticora es un buen ejemplo de ello. Formados en 1997 han desarrollado una carrera bastante homogenea, pero algo escondida, siempre bordeando la línea del power y el sonido progresivo, con 10 LP's de estudio, a fecha de esta reseña, el último de ellos de este 2024, estamos ante un grupo realmente importante en el que uno debería invertir algo de su tiempo para conocer su obra, seguramente si no conoces a la banda te sorprenderá gratamente. Hoy quiero dejar en el blog una de las canciones de su segundo disco, "Darkness with tales to tell", de 2001, concretamente "Dragon's mist" de la que dejo un enlace a youtube.




Standing at the crossroads,
watching men in armour fighting.
The fog is lying thick and the
ground is shrouded in the dark.

The battle for the throne
increases as it's done forever,
a dragon in disquise will send
a knight to make its mark.

Fly away on the dragon's mist
and seek the heir of kings.
I'll crave your first-born son in
trade of one night of your dreams.

Oh, give him the power,
please bless him with the strength
to pull Excalibur out of the stone.

Still the battle roars in
spite of finding of the king.
In search for peace he puts his
life into the mighty hands.

Of knights who once refused
to crown him as their rightful heir.
At last they gather 'round the table,
summoning the lands.

Fly away on the dragon's mist
and seek the heir of kings.
I'll crave your first-born son in
trade of one night of your dreams.

Oh, give him the power,
please bless him with the strength
to pull Excalibur out of the stone.

A dream to some,
and a nightmare to others.
The peace will come and
Mordred will be born a bastard son.

The wizard and his powers
will predict the silent future.
He holds the key to all success
and forces it to the door.

To understand the secrets
of his whisperings and riddles
they die and so the legend
will live on forever more.

Fly away on the dragon's mist
and seek the heir of kings.
I'll crave your first-born son in
trade of one night of your dreams.

Oh, give him the power,
please bless him with the strength
to pull Excalibur out of the stone.  

By Nash

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