sábado, 8 de junio de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Heavy Load - Midnight Crawler



Hablando de pioneros, siempre hay que tener en cuenta a Heavy Load, que recientemente se han vuelto a juntar para editar material nuevo. Pioneros en su escena natal, la sueca, en el estilo en general, ese heavy épico que comenzaron antes que los enormes nombres que después popularizarían el subgénero, así pues una banda a tener en cuenta desde lo histórico y desde lo estrictamente compositivo. Formados en 1976 editan su primer LP en 1978, "Full speed at high level" del que hoy quiero dejar en el blog una de sus canciones, concretamente "Midnight Crawler" de la que dejo un enlace a youtube.


When midnight comes you've better
Watch out for the crawler
Or else he will take your life
Did you think you could keep it for ever
When the moon hide behind the clouds
And the night is as dark as his soul
Ah, he'll catch you...
Don't you remember the times
When the night was safe
And the sun and the rain
Blessed your soul
Don't you remember...
Don't you remember...
You've got to remember,
When he whispers out your name
From the outside of your window
You will tell yourself
That it only was the wind
And that I know, yes I know
You're only fooling yourself
Cause I know, oh I know
That death is only a breath away...
You've better look at the sun
And the nature for hte last time
Cause it won't take long
Till you never see again
The midnight crawler
Is after you
He'll reach out to catch you
Ah, he'll catch you... 

By Nash

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