domingo, 2 de junio de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Line Of Durin - Durin The Deathless


Con una cierta actitud compositiva de este lado del charco la propuesta de los estadounidenses Line Of Durin es un black metal en lo instrumental un tanto epic power refrendado por los coros y por un aire atmosférico presente en su sonido. Formados en 2016 editan su primer material en 2019 en formato EP, después 2022 fue testigo de la publicación de su primer LP "Ever Homeward". Con ese nombre de la banda queda clara la temática tolkieniana, lo que puede explicar sin ninguna duda la orientación compositiva con ese aire incluso folk, como digo muy europea. Dejo hoy en el blog una de las canciones de ese primer trabajo en formato LP, concretamente el tema "Durin the deathless" del que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


In an age long past
They were fashioned by the hand of Aulë
Seven fathers of our people
In the womb of a great mountain

Their time was not yet come
To work the earth and walk the land
So they slept long and deep
As great stones withered down to sand

(chanting, repeated behind the clean chorus line):
Rise! First-born rise! First-born rise! First-born awake from your slumber! (x8)

(chorus lines)
First born, wake and see the splendor of the mountains
A realm for your kin to inherit
Go forth and give names to untraveled hills and valleys
Lay claim to your new domain
Live long and propagate the royal line of Durin
Let your name be ever spoken
Heed now and witness all, the coming of the Longbeards
The first-born king now ends his slumber

“There he lived so long that he was known far and wide as Durin the Deathless… his line never failed, and five times an heir was born in his House so like to his Forefather that he received the name of Durin. He was indeed held by the Dwarves to be the Deathless that returned; for they have many strange tales and beliefs concerning themselves and their fate in the world” - Appendix A, 439

There he gazed at the surface of Kheled-Zâram
And he beheld a vast reflection
A crown of seven shining stars

Moved by the sign he founded our greatest city
Around the dark and placid waters
The renowned halls of Khazad-Dum 

By Nash 

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