lunes, 17 de junio de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Rhodium - The Emperor


Los griegos Rhodium son una banda de bastante reciente formación (2017), que centran su sonido en un power metal de orientación progresiva. A fecha de esta reseña tan solo han editado dos LP's de estudio (2018 y 2019) y a pesar de llevar ya un lustro de silencio compositivo se supone que siguen en activo, obviamente la maldita pandemia ha podido tener algo que ver en todo esto. Potencial es innegable que tienen para poder plantear una carrera a largo plazo, veremos hasta donde les guian sus pasos futuros, por el momento quiero dejar en el blog uno de los temas que componen su segundo y de momento último LP "Sea of the dead" de 2019 como decía más arriba, concretamente este "The emperor" del que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


The still of night shivers the soul splinter’s ice I can feel the cold
Eyes astray to see around, nothing to see nothing to be found
Step by step I feel uneasy,
the strike of fear makes me feel this way
I won’t be there in the light of day

The walls have stood for a thousand years
Cannot protect them anymore
The wall has breached and the emperor’s guard
Fall back to make their last stand

The emperor chooses glory they fight till the last
No fear in their eyes no fear in their hearts

The emperor grasps his sword and prays
For divine divine intervention, oh
How can you find the will to fight
How can you find the will to die

The emperor storms in battle he fights like a God
His men fight beside him they die on his command
The storm begins the mortal thunders roll
The city to the ground
But still by the holy cross
Ten righteous men stand proud

The emperor chooses glory they fight till the last
No fear in their eyes no fear in their hearts

Can mortal tongue immortal deeds describe?
All my blessings to your care
And if we meet again in heaven
To soothe our souls despair, oh

The emperor chooses glory they fight till the last
No fear in their eyes no fear in their hearts
The emperor storms in battle he fights like a God
His men fight beside him they die on his command

The emperor falls in battle he fought like a God
His sacrifice will be remembered for a thousand years to come
The emperor chooses glory they fight till the last
No fear in their eyes no fear in their hearts

Oh City of all cities center of the world
Oh City of all cities where is my lord? 

By Nash 

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