domingo, 26 de mayo de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Fierce Deity - A Ballad Of Heartbreak And Despair



Como sucedía con la anterior entrada del blog, este grupo Fierce Deity es una de esas bandas compuestas por un solo músico, en este caso el australiano Jonathan Barwick, quien enmarcando su sonido en un heavy metal con aire doom comenzo en 2019 a editar material en formato single, material que después recopilaría en un par de EP's y un recopilatorio como tal, culminando su discografía de momento con un LP en este 2024, así pues de momento estamos ante el inicio de una carrera que va mostrando cosas realmente interesantes. Hoy quiero dejar en el blog uno de sus singles iniciales, "A ballad of heartbreak and despair" compilado en su EP "The Trials" de 2021, canción de la que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


What would your mother say
If she saw you crying so?
Wash those tears away my child
Wash those tears away
What would your mother say
If she saw you all alone?
Wash those tears away my child...

Butcher in the fog
Take all of me
Devil in my blood
At last I see

I hunt the demons
Their secrets so morose
Resist the succubus
Her kiss a fatal dose

No, don't fear the anger
See where it ends
Don't grieve for the sinner
As he laments

I am done, leave me be
Oh why won't you let me sleep?
My trials come to pass
The crown rusted and barbed

I surrender I give in
Will I ever sleep again?
Head in hand I pray
Grant me my coup de grace

In my hour of need
Guiding light
Abandon me
If I relapse once more
Don't mourn for me
Leave the phantoms be

Center of the web
The final stage
Walking on the edge of
The family blade

I dance in fire
And I know every single step
And I will forgive
The ones I can't forget

No, don't fear the anger
See where it goes
Oh cut free your anchor
Deep down below

I am done, leave me be
Oh why won't you let me sleep?
My trials come to pass
The crown rusted and barbed

I surrender I give in
Will I ever sleep again?
Head in hand I pray
Grant me my coup de grace

In my hour of need
Guiding light
Abandon me
If I relapse once more
Don't mourn for me
Leave the phantoms be

What would your mother say
If she saw you crying so?
Wash those tears away
Wash those tears away... away!
What would your mother say
If she saw you all alone?
Wash those tears away
Wash those tears away... away!
Wash those tears away...away!

In my hour of need
Guiding light
Abandon me
If I relapse once more
Don't mourn for me
Leave the phantoms be

In my hour of need
Guiding light
Abandon me
If I relapse once more
Don't mourn for me
Leave the phantoms be 

By Nash 

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