jueves, 16 de mayo de 2024

Canciones para una vida - All For Metal - Valkyries In The Sky


La banda internacional patrocinada por la discográfica AFM sigue dando pasos adelante en este 2024 a base de singles, ayer a través de este "Valkyries In The Sky" con el que han contado con la colaboración de Laura Guldemond, voz de Burning Witches, y de Tim Hansen, el hijo del mítico Kai Hansen, que también es guitarrista. El nuevo single formará parte del segundo LP de la banda que llevará por título "Gods of metal". Dejo en el blog un enlace a clip oficial de la canción.




They are fierce and beautiful
Every swordsman knows their name
Maidens sent by Odin ́s will
To be choosers of the slain.

Take us down
And further down the line
As we fight

Sure I don’t have to see them to know they are there
I feel the tension a movement in the air

Watch out! Valkyries in the sky!
Watch out! They hear your battle cry!

They’re coming for those who fought
bravely and died
Guiding their souls to Valhalla tonight

Watch out! Valkyries in the sky!
Watch out! You’re gonna take a ride!

High above the battlefield
Silhouettes against the sky
Legends tell they can foresee
Who gets killed and who survives

They come down
To where the heroes fight
Side by side

We are holding our ground and it won’t be in vain
Lead us to glory, through agony and pain.

Watch out! Valkyries in the sky!
Watch out! They hear your battle cry!

They’re coming for those who fought
bravely and died
Guiding their souls to Valhalla tonight

Watch out! Valkyries in the sky!
Watch out! You’re gonna take a ride!

Watch out! Valkyries in the sky!
Watch out! They hear your battle cry!

They’re coming for those who fought
bravely and died
Guiding their souls to Valhalla tonight

Watch out! Valkyries in the sky!
Watch out! You’re gonna take a ride!

Watch out! cause this is your last fight 

By Nash 

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