viernes, 24 de mayo de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Captain Hawk - Into The Storm


Nuevamente la escena griega nos deja otro proyecto incipiente, en una clave de power metal de corte épico, Captain Hawk, tras el que encontramos el nombre de un músico al que su trayectoria avala, se trata del guitarrista Bob Katsionis cuyo nombre se relaciona con muchas bandas de primer nivel y muchas otras menos conocidas, por citar algunas de las más reconocidas Firewind, Serious Black, Warrior Path, o Stray Gods como digo entre otras muchas, y que aquí une fuerzas con la músico Elina Englezou que pone el toque folk instrumental. Veremos si queda solo en un proyecto puntual o se desarrolla como banda a largo plazo, su primer LP lleva por título "Ghost of the sea", editado el pasado 2 de abril y del que dejo el tema "Into the storm" del que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Glynn: Peaceful night in the endless sea
Drink up the rum and fall asleep
The wind so dear the moon so bright
If only calm remained the night

Make haste man!
Batten down the hatches!
Strike sails ! All hands ahoy !
Make haste ! To the ship aback !
Hold fast !

Smythe: A hundred flashes burn the sky
Will we make it out alive ?
Thunders clap , heavy rain falls
A ghost has come to take our souls

Knox: There she is naked on a board
Through the waves staring and smiling
Captain: Oh my Lord I have never seen an angel before
Are my eyes lying ?

Into the storm what can frighten the bold?
Bad luck will haunt us with a woman on board
Into the storm seamen get to prove their worth
This is a test for our faith in the Lord

Heave ho!
Loosen the hallyard !
Take in sail !
Hands to brace !

Captain: Throw the lines, haul her aboard
Give her water , food and clothes
Reet the sails, secure the ropes
Hold on fast , the sea wants war

Knox: Hurry lads, grab the winches on the mast
Clear the deck, about we're booming
Smythe: The course is set
There are riches for the brave ones out there
Ahead we ' re moving

Into the storm what can frighten the bold?
Bad luck will haunt us with a woman on board
Into the storm seamen get to prove their worth
This is a test for our faith in the Lord

Heave ho !
Make haste ye Lads !
Avast ye !

Captain: Where do you come from ? Where is your boat ?
Glynn: How did you get here in the storm?
Knox: Did you see ships ? Did you see land ?
Smythe: Or fearsome creatures of the dark ?

Into the storm what can frighten the bold?
Bad luck will haunt us with a woman on board
Into the storm seamen get to prove their worth
This is a test for our faith in the Lord 

By Nash  

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