Como ya hemos dicho en el blog en alguna ocasión, White Skull son una banda italiana de Power metal, con líricas que giran en torno a cuestiones históricas en muchas ocasiones y fantasía en otras. Se forman en 1988, por Alex Mantiero (Bateria) y Toni "Mad" Fonto (Guitarra), que son los dos únicos miembros fundadores que aun permanecen en la banda. En 1991 se les une Federica "sister" De Boni en funciones vocales, quien ha estado en la banda durante dos épocas, entre 1991 y 2001, y desde 2010 hasta la actualidad, siendo a mi entender la mejor opción para la banda en ese puesto. Deciden dar un paso adelante grabando su primera demo. White Skull permaneciendo en la escena underground italiana unos años más pero cosechando muy buenas críticas entre la prensa especializada. En 1994 sacan su segunda demo, que sería preludio de su primera obra de estudio, ya que en ese mismo año fichan por el sello italiano "Underground Symphony" con quien editan su debut en 1995, titulado "I won't burn alone". En total White Skull ha editado 9 larga duración y un EP. Hoy quiero traer una canción al blog de su segunda obra de estudio, "Embittered", de 1997, que les llevó a la gira "Embittered Tour" que les llevo a tocar en directo con bandas tan importantes como UDO o Doro. En este disco encontramos ya muchas de las señas de identidad propias de este buen grupo, como podemos apreciar en temas como "Embittered", homónimo al disco y del que dejo un enlace a youtube.
He spent sometimes at the SPX's jail
they used to call him the killin'spree
he was guilty for doing crack
taking guns and shooting everywhere
I've met this man at the station train
he came to me saying let's have a chat
the night before i was feeling bad
he told me it's all downright unfair
Embittered eyes of fire
Embittered he's walking to me
Embittered eyes of fire
Embittered take me higher
In my desire not to miss anything
I am going to miss everything
I didn't think about the consequences
I only knew that I was out there
We laught we joked and
we stayed with friends
they shared some drugs
and I was out there
in his eyes there's a sparklin'light
he came out of prison embittered
Embittered ...
I was wondering if I'll be back
he told me come on let's havin' fun
I didn't mean to accept this command
breathless run toward someone else
Embittered ...
they used to call him the killin'spree
he was guilty for doing crack
taking guns and shooting everywhere
I've met this man at the station train
he came to me saying let's have a chat
the night before i was feeling bad
he told me it's all downright unfair
Embittered eyes of fire
Embittered he's walking to me
Embittered eyes of fire
Embittered take me higher
In my desire not to miss anything
I am going to miss everything
I didn't think about the consequences
I only knew that I was out there
We laught we joked and
we stayed with friends
they shared some drugs
and I was out there
in his eyes there's a sparklin'light
he came out of prison embittered
Embittered ...
I was wondering if I'll be back
he told me come on let's havin' fun
I didn't mean to accept this command
breathless run toward someone else
Embittered ...
By Nash
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