Volvamos hoy a la bastante prolífica escena polaca, otra de las que han crecido ultimamente en cantidad y calidad de bandas, para acercarnos al material de Crimson Valley, un grupo que lleva ya unos años en activo, concretamente desde 2009, a pesar de que su producción discográfica no sea precisamente grande, tan solo un LP en este tiempo, ("crossing the sky" de 2012), al que han seguido solo dos EP's, "Halls of victory" en 2015, y en este 2024 "Storm", casi uná década después del último material editado y que esperemos sea el pistoletazo de salida para una época con mayor continuidad. En cuanto al sonido del grupo, encontramos un heavy power metal bastante de concepción europea, vocalista femenina con una forma de cantar bastante heavy, alejada de los estereotipos sinfónico operísticos, (algo que algunos agradecemos), y que sin inventar nada nuevo en absoluto si que resulta bastante agradable al oido. De su último material dejo hoy en el blog la canción "Last Battle", de la que dejo un enlace a youtube.
Battle is coming
And we know there is no escape
We must stand, we must be brave
That’ll be our grave
Autumn came
Cold wind is blowing
Blood is freezing in our veins
Wild birds fly away, but we must die
That’s our fate
That’s what knights are living for
Carrying shields and heavy swords
For the Kingdom and for truth that is worth fighting for
We’ve been standing for the folk
And protecting them from foes
Now the battle’s coming
And we must keep being strong
Enemy’s stronger
They're approaching us from all sides
But we’ll fight, we won’t give up
That’s duty of ours
Death is close
But first we’ll be killing
Weakening them, because we all know
When they’re weak, they won’t attack
The Kingdom we guard
That’s what knights are living for
Carrying shields and heavy swords
For the Kingdom and for truth that is worth fighting for
We’ve been standing for the folk
And protecting them from foes
Now the battle’s coming
And we must keep being strong
The last battle’s going on
Hear the steel clanging around
Knights are clashing, screaming loud
Brave horses are falling down
Our bodies’ll lay in this ground,
Spring will come and bloom on us
Our kingdom will survive
And the bards’ll glorify us in their songs
By Nash
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