viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Veonity - Riders Of The Revolution


Segundo adelanto del que será el sexto LP de estudio de los suecos Veonity, que verá la luz de forma oficial el 18 de octubre y que tendrá por título "The Final Element". El título de este segundo single es "Riders of the revolution", un nuevo ejercicio de power de corte europeo muy en la onda de lo que debe ser ese sonido, sobre todo en la escuela sueca, un tema del que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Stories been told by the voices
Trapped behind these locked doors
Waiting for the chosen to come
Buried in the deep black chamber
Looked in these mountains pride
The king's eyes glow in the night

Now hear me call
Riders prepare for the storm

Riders of the revolution hear me now
Brothers in arms marching on
Riders of the revolution heed the call
To find the Heart of a Warrior

Fire in the deep black night
Fly to the heavens so high
The chosen prepared for the light
The eyes of the world are open
Starbound to read the signs
The flames in our hearts burn so bright

Now hear me call
Riders prepared for the storm

Riders of the revolution hear me now
Brothers in arms marching on
Riders of the revolution heed the call
To find the Heart of a Warrior

Ride into the enemy, bring us all to victory
Ride into the enemy, bring us victory!

Riders of the Revolution hear me now
Riders of the Revolution heed the call

Riders of the revolution hear me now
Brothers in arms marching on
Riders of the revolution heed the call
To find the Heart of a Warrior 

By Nash 

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