martes, 30 de julio de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Unleash The Archers - Northwest Passage


Los canadienses Unleash The Archers necesitan a estas alturas de muy poca presentación, y a pesar de que llevan ya una carrera imparable tampoco es que lleven tantísimos años en activo, (desde 2007), pero su crecimiento constante y su evolución sonora les ha ido haciendo cada vez más queridos entre los metalheads de todo el planeta. La banda ha ido dejando poco a poco atrás el sonido death melódico en pos de una powerización que cada vez ha ido sumando más adeptos aejados de tesituras más extremas. A fecha de esta reseña seis son los LP's de estudio que conforman su discografía, el último de ellos de este 2024, a los que hay que añadir dos trabajos más en formato EP, (2012 y 2019), el segundo de ellos contiene dos versiones, una de las cuales "Northwest Passage" es el tema que dejo hoy en el blog, y del que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Ah, for just one time
I would take the Northwest Passage
To find the hand of Franklin
Reaching for the Beaufort Sea
Tracing one warm line
Through a land so wild and savage
And make a Northwest Passage to the sea

Westward from the Davis Strait
'Tis there 'twas said to lie
The sea route to the Orient
For which so many died
Seeking gold and glory,
Leaving weathered, broken bones
And a long-forgotten lonely cairn of stones

Ah, for just one time
I would take the Northwest Passage
To find the hand of Franklin
Reaching for the Beaufort Sea
Tracing one warm line
Through a land so wild and savage
And make a Northwest Passage to the sea

Three centuries thereafter
I take passage overland
In the footsteps of brave Kelso
Where his "sea of flowers" began
Watching cities rise before me
Then behind me sink again
This tardiest explorer
Driving hard across the plain

Ah, for just one time
I would take the Northwest Passage
To find the hand of Franklin
Reaching for the Beaufort Sea
Tracing one warm line
Through a land so wild and savage
And make a Northwest Passage to the sea

And through the night, behind the wheel
The mileage clicking west
I think upon Mackenzie,
David Thompson and the rest
Who cracked the mountain ramparts
And did show a path for me
To race the roaring Fraser to the sea

Ah, for just one time
I would take the Northwest Passage
To find the hand of Franklin
Reaching for the Beaufort Sea
Tracing one warm line
Through a land so wild and savage
And make a Northwest Passage to the sea

How then am I so different
From the first men through this way?
Like them, I left a settled life
I threw it all away
To seek a Northwest Passage
At the call of many men
To find there but the road back home again

Ah, for just one time
I would take the Northwest Passage
To find the hand of Franklin
Reaching for the Beaufort Sea
Tracing one warm line
Through a land so wild and savage
And make a Northwest Passage to the sea 

By Nash 

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