lunes, 15 de julio de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Earacle - Master And Servant


Vamos con otra banda más de las que apenas han dejado una leve muestra de su valía, son Earacle, desde Alemania, un grupo ya separado que ha permanecido en activo entre 2011 y 2022 dejando solo un LP de estudio como fruto de su carrera, "Rise of colossus" de 2019. Se trata de una banda que hace un sonido particular, a medio camino de varias cosas e incluso escuelas, así encontramos elementos entre el power, el heavy metal y el thrash en ocasiones o en rasgos. El grupo realmente termina por separarse tras la salida del grupo del guitarrista Patrick Sperling quien ficharía por Orden Ogan en 2020. Hoy dejo en el blog uno de los temas del único LP de Earacle, concretamente la canción "Master and servant" de la que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Once born into a life of privations
their future seemed dark as their fate unfolds
never to step back
never to give in
the era to rise soon begins
the misery has taken it's toll
the order's revealed 
to follow the call
stand up tall
off your knees
follow the call
to be free
stand your ground
push and shove
we'll never live like this master and servant

decades they were hunters for prey
but these days are gone
this will end today
we will take it back
the life we used to live
desaster is all we can give
stand up tall
off your knees
follow the call
to be free
stand your ground
push and shove
we'll never live like this master and servant

this is our time and the message is sent
this is our time 
this is our time
once again

stand up tall
off your knees
follow the call
to be free
stand your ground
push and shove
we'll never live like this master and servant
this is our time and the message is sent
this is our time 
this is our time
once again
once again
By Nash 

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