viernes, 23 de febrero de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Orden Ogan - My Worst Enemy


Simplemente impresionantes, los germanos Orden Ogan siguen su camino con el primer sencillo del que será su siguiente LP de estudio "The Order Of Fear", el que será su noveno album de estudio, y que con valentía han escogido una balada para dar su primera pincelada de lo que será la nueva obra. A estas alturas no creo que la banda tenga mucho que demostrar, y la figura de Seeb Levermann se alarga más allá de su banda madre hasta todos los proyectos y bandas que apadrina dando forma a su produciión, este nuevo disco no será una excepción, seguro. Dejo hoy en el blog un enlace a youtube del clip oficial de este nuevo tema, "My worst enemy". 


It's the enemy inside your head
 To live with it is worse than being dead 
When thoughts are spinning round and round 
And you feel to scream but there's no sound 
 Dreams are made to misguide you 
Create the hell that you go through
 My worst enemy - has always been myself 
My worst enemy - guides me into darkness 
My worst enemy - has fought me all my life 
An extinguishing light in the end
 And within your mind you wage a war
 With battles fought a thousand times before 
The voice within will never cease 
And nothing ever’ll give you peace
 You craft the chains that will bind you
 And wherever you run you will find you (I feel the end is coming)
 My worst enemy - has always been myself
 My worst enemy - guides me into darkness 
My worst enemy - has fought me all my life
 An extinguishing light in the end 
 My worst enemy - has always been myself
 My worst enemy - guides me into darkness 
My worst enemy - has fought me all my life
 An extinguishing light in the end …
Please extinguish my light in the end
 My name is Alister Vale. I am immortal. 
Centuries ago I tried to do the right thing, but
 I was deceived. And cursed.
 Now I have to wander the earth forevermore. 
I can’t stay and I can’t find rest.
 And all that I leave behind will decay and perish.
 But I might have found a solution.

By Nash


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