martes, 20 de diciembre de 2022

Canciones para una vida - Frozen Crown - Call Of The North



Ya tenemos aquí los primeros ecos del cuarto LP de estudio de los italianos Frozen Crown, un disco que debe hacerles mantener al sus fieles e intentar atraer a nuevos seguidores después de que en 2020, tras su anterior trabajo, buena parte de la banda dejase la formación quedando solo la mente compositiva, guitarra y teclados Federico Mondelli, y la cabeza visible y cantante Giada "Jade" Etro. Ellos mismos han pretendido un album sin añadir invitados en palabras propias para "consolidar" el sonido de la banda. El caso es que el album verá la luz en el proximo mes de Marzo de 2023, y hoy dejo en el blog el primer single de la misma que es el que dará nombre a la obra, "Call of the north", canción de la que dejo un enlace a youtube de su clip oficial. 


Rising star is leading far

Stay a while and listen
The voice is calling out away
Through the heart of winter
Our journey has begun
Reaching into the light
Where the ancient frost still survives

Call of the north, peace of mind
To get lost in oblivion right
At the edge of the world to the unknown
Call of the north, for us all
Was a vision the Mayans know
Where the gods leave the land
Far off we stand until the end, never to return
This universe will be our fall to kingdom come

Stronger now
Here where freezing winds turn angel's blood to waste
Rebirth, kill the Northern light
Where still no man has walked
Fading into the night
Where the echoing storms were born

Call of the north, peace of mind
To get lost in oblivion right
At the edge of the world to the unknown
Call of the north, for us all
Was a vision the Mayans know
Where the gods leave the land
Far off we stand until the end, never to return
This universe will be our fall to kingdom come

Where the mountains sing, aided by the wind
  will be their child
You know this raid, fault of stars
And where we're sound till kingdom come

Listen to the voice living high by the stars
Future is denied

Call of the north, peace of mind
To get lost in oblivion right
At the edge of the world to the unknown
Call of the north, for us all
Was a vision the Mayans know
Where the gods leave the land
Far off we stand until the end, never to return
This universe will be our fall to kingdom come  

By Nash 

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