miércoles, 31 de julio de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Pirate Hymn - Storm Wind Riders


Ademas de acertados estos polacos han cogido una inercia compositiva realmente destacable, formados en 2017 han editado ya cuatro LP's de estudio más un EP en ese periodo de tiempo, en una clave de heavy power con un aire folk corsario. El último de sus discos lleva por título "Explorer", publicado en enero de este 2024, uno de los que muestran ese influjo Runningwildiano, melodías enganchonas continuas, y ese ritmo que se mete en la cabeza, por ejemplo también en su canción "Storm Wind Riders", de la que dejo un enlace a youtube.




Fluttering Black Flag, wind in the sails
Sea foam is spreading over the deck
A pirate ship’s cutting through stormy waves
His fearless crew can snap a Leviathan’s neck

Storm wind riders!
Their souls are flowing free

Noble freebooters, on the sea trails
Oppressor hunters, knowing their lies
The captain is steering, between the reefs
There is no force that would bring them to their kenes

Storm wind riders
Their souls are flowing free

We are wild and free on the raging sea
We will tear out their bloody gold
With a flame of pride in our pirate hearts
We will rip their ‘man-of-war’ apart

Prowling old rakish sea dogs
Keepers of ancient truth
Our spirit like an eagle
Soaring high in the stormy sky

Burning ships of exploiters
Dark smoke and broken masts
Our vessel in the glory
Rides through the storm to victory

Storm wind riders
Their souls are flowing free

We are wild and free on the raging sea
We will tear out their bloody gold
With a flame of pride in our pirate hearts
We will rip their ‘man-of-war’ apart

Storm wind riders
Storm wind riders
Their souls are flowing free 

By Nash 

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