domingo, 18 de octubre de 2020

Canciones para una vida - Drakkar - Revenge Is Done


De la interminable hornada de bandas italianas que salieron al calor del éxito del Power de mediados de los noventa, abanderadas como ninguna por Rhapsody, solo un puñado de ellas continúan dando guerra y peleando por subsistir, entre ellas "Drakkar" quienes a pesar de haber espaciado bastante sus obras y no haber sido nunca señalados como los mejores si han sabido mantenerse en un segundo plano ofreciendo su visión personal del power. Como digo la discografía se antoja un tanto escasa, (5 LP's) desde 1995, a los que hay que sumar dos EP's y un tercero que verá la luz a mediados del próximo mes de noviembre y que se titulará "Falling down" con tres temas autoproducidos y lanzados de manera digital. Hoy quiero dejar otra de las canciones de la banda, perteneciente a una de las obras pasadas del grupo, "When lightning strikes" de 2012, cronologicamente su cuarto y penúltimo LP del que dejo la canción "Revenge is done", de la que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Remember, remember, the 5th of November, the Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot.

I am the son of fire, and I survived a thousand kinds of hell
They’ve taken everything, all that I ever cared for, ever had

But there’s a last inch of me, and that’s my own dignity
No force in heaven or hell can ever take it away, ‘cause I am free!

Your time is over, and so is mine
We're at the end of the line
Our revolution has just begun
But my revenge now is done
Revenge is done!

There is no flesh and no blood
Behind this mask to kill
For I’m not a man, not anymore!
Ideas are bulletproof
You cannot shoot or stab them, they will endure, and so will I!

People should not be afraid of their own leaders no more
It’s leaders that have to learn to be afraid of us all, ‘cause we are free!

Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 'twas his intent
to blow up the King and Parliament.
Three score barrels of powder below,
Poor old England to overthrow

(Storyline from the booklet)

Time, 2070 A.D.
Place, England

In an England cntshed under the heels of a tyrannical
government, a man without a name fights oppression.
Politicians call him a terrorist. People call him a hero.
He is a man with a dark past; forged anLimade stronger
by those he now seeks vengeance against, people in
positions of power that he's sworn to bring down. Donning
a mask inspired by the face of an historical figure
also deemed a terrorist, he will not stand down until
he's freed his people... and had his revenge.  

By Nash

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