lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

Canciones para una vida - Pink Cream 69 - Keep Your Eye On The Twisted


Ya nos hemos referido a Pink Cream 69 anteriormente en este blog y lo volveremos a hacer  puesto que su discografía da para varias referencias. De nuevo quiero hablar de la primera época de esta fenomenal banda alemana, cuando Andi Deris se encargaba de cantar, antes justo de marcharse a Helloween. Como digo este es el último disco con Deris a la voz, del año 1993, y que resulta ser un disco extraordinario, es uno de esos que merece la pena tener original puesto en tu estantería. El resto de la formación son Dennins Ward, al bajo, Kosta Zafiriou a la bateria, y Alfred Koffler en la guitarra, junto al citado Andi Deris, el grupo original que fundo la banda en 1987. Para muestra dejaré un enlace a youtube de la canción Keep Your Eye on the Twisted, un clásico del grupo que suena fenomenal.

turn on the blue, what do I see?
a bunch of hateful people talking to me
the crap they say's been heard before
and that's what started up the 2nd World War!

so many people see what's going on
heads should be lifted

keep your eyes on the twisted
we've seen it all before
little minds can't be shifted
watch out they're back for more

they call it pride to wave the flag
shaving the hair off of their brainless heads
I think the world has seen enough
there's too much talking now it's time to get tough

too many people see what's going on
heads should be lifted

keep your eyes on the twisted
we've seen it all before
little minds can't be shifted
watch out they're back for more

hey twisted - what's in your head - so twisted
hey twisted - go clear your mind - you're misled

steps should be taken to stop what they're makin
heads should be lifted... to see what's going on

they spread their mental disease
ignorance needs a leader to make their mass increase

so keep your eyes on the twisted..  

By Nash 

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