Hablemos de una artista de esas que se han sabido hacer a si mismas, haciendose un hueco poco a poco en la escena colaborando con artistas y formando parte de alguna banda para encontrar su propio camino desde el principio sobre todo con auto promoción, y claro, buen hacer. En 2024 edita su LP "Tavern" en el que muestra una serie de colaboraciones de primer nivel dentro de nuestro sonido, por ejemplo Marco Hietala o Christopher Bowes, tema este precisamente "Peg Leg Silly Billy" del que quiero dejar en el blog un enlace a youtube de su clip oficial.
Hi Patty!Hi Chris!Wanna go for a boat ride?Sure, Chris!Then get on board ...
Peg Leg Silly-Billy rows for oneBut his crewmate whines about his sonHe was far too tanked for what he drankSo they made him walk the plank
Peg Leg Silly-Billy rows for twoBut his crewmate whines about his fluHe was far too tanked for what he drankSo they made him walk the plank
Peg Leg Silly-Billy rows for threeBut his crewmate whines about a fleaHe was far too tanked for what he drankSo they made him walk the plank
Peg Leg Silly-Billy rows for fourBut his crewmate whines down on the floorHe was far too tanked for what he drankSo they made him walk the plank
Man overboardHe's down in the deep seaDown with all hopeWhen will you release me
Peg Leg Silly-Billy rows for fiveBut his crewmate whines about his wifeHe was far too tanked for what he drankSo they made him walk the plank
Peg Leg Silly-Billy rows for sixBut his crewmate whines about his ticksHe was far too tanked for what he drankSo they made him walk the plank
Man overboardHe's down in the deep seaDown with all hopeWhen will you release me
Peg Leg Silly-Billy rows for sevenBut his crewmate wants to be in heavenHe was far too tanked for what he drankSo they made him walk the plank
Peg Leg Silly-Billy rows for eightBut his crewmate whines about his fateHe was far too tanked for what he drankSo they made him walk the plank
Man overboardHe's down in the deep seaDown with all hopeWhen will you release me
Peg Leg Silly-Billy rows for nineBut his crewmate whines about a dimeHe was far too tanked for what he drankSo they made him walk the plank
Peg Leg Silly-Billy rows for tenbut he never wants to row againhe gets up and walks the plankand with his tears the old man sank
By Nash
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