Nueva obra a la vista para los estadounidenses Judicator, un grupo que ha ido poco a poco creciendo desde su debut en 2012. En principio el grupo despertó las miradas sobre todo por su parecido (más que nada en la parte vocal), con la banda alemana Blind Guardian, pero poco a poco se ha ido ganando el respeto y haciendose su propio hueco con su propuesta power un poco a medio camino entre la formula europea y la americana. En este 2025 editan su disco "Concord" (para el 28 de marzo), y de él dejan en estos días su adelanto "Concord" del que dejo un enlace a youtube.
Cry for a land that's scarred and polluted
Cry for a people scattered, uprooted
Serve an elite who see you as chattel
Serve in a silent war for the country's soul
We're cut adrift, divided and hostile
We're storyless, no vision that's common
We had a dream but never woke up to act on it
We had a good future to build
I'm working hard to power through
My place in life and what is true
Holy father, set me free
Let it end, my destiny
Take the scrolls and break the seals
Let it end, our destiny
Concord reigns
We live in a gorgeous land and have more than most men can
But still many live like free range slaves, alas!
I heard singing in the trees, the voice of a dove
Beauty will restore the world
Rolling hills and ivory peaks
Who we are is in the land
Blood in changing tides
Dead in growing piles
It's boiling and floods from the entrance
Blood on either path
Dead, the past we hold
We'd dip our hands into the cauldron
Blood rains from the sky
Dead, half buried, raw
Blood from gaping wounds
Cries from the children
By Nash
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