viernes, 16 de agosto de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Dragony - Beyond The Rainbow Bridge


Sigue avanzando la carrera musical de los austriacos Dragony, quizá encontrando cada vez más su propio espacio, su propio sonido, siempre enmarcado en un power sinfónico, con cuidada producción y mezclando en lo lírico la fantasía con los hechos históricos dando a sus historias un toque muy personal. El nuevo disco "Hic sunt dracones" será el quinto de su discografía y verá la luz el próximo mes de octubre y de él quiero dejar en el blog su primer aselanto, "Beyond the rainbow bridge" del que dejo un enlace a youtube. 

At the edge of twilight
 In the war of gods and men
 We have reached the end of all our ages 
See the Midgard serpent rise
 To a battle in the skies
 That splits land and seas now as it rages
 Into the night In the slipstream
 We hold on tight To our dream 
 We fly beyond the rainbow bridge 
Bifrost gleaming across the ridge
 Into the unknown of a brave new world 
 We cross the gates of space and time
 Beyond the heavens we will climb 
And forge a new dawn after all we’ve learned
 No stone unturned 
 With our hearts on fire
 Escape the dungeons of the night
 We are dreamers of a new tomorrow 
Behold the God of Thunder 
Rending the world asunder
 To liberate mankind from all its sorrow
 Into the light Our eyes upstream
 We won’t let go Of our dream
 We fly beyond the rainbow bridge
 Bifrost gleaming across the ridge
 Into the unknown of a brave new world 
 We cross the gates of space and time
 Beyond the heavens we will climb 
And forge a new dawn after all we’ve learned
 No stone unturned
 To the eye of the storm we are riding
 In the heart of the tempest torn
 With a lost world at last subsiding
 God of Thunder, tear asunder 
With the dawn of a new day breaking
 With our hopes and our dreams forlorn
 On these grounds now with lightning shaking
 Realm of legends, going under
 When the Thunderer calls for his vengeance
 In the Midgard serpent’s scorn 
Then the time has now come for repentence 
Thunder! Lightning! Rocking this 
Ragnarok! We fly beyond the rainbow bridge
 Bifrost gleaming across the ridge 
Into the unknown of a brave new world
 We cross the gates of space and time 
 Beyond the heavens we will climb 
And forge a new dawn after all we’ve learned
 When love and thunder reign supreme 
As we are chasing a new dream
 Beyond the rainbow-colored beam we go 
 Far from the turmoil of this strife
 We run to start a brand new life 
And we will go wherever the winds will blow
 And the rivers flow 
By Nash 

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