domingo, 5 de febrero de 2023

Canciones para una vida - Saint Deamon - At Break Of Dawn



Los suecos Saint Deamon son una de esas bandas que van administrando quizá demasiado, sus esfuerzos compositivos, plasmándose estos en quizá también, demasiado poco volumen de LP's atendiendo a la cantidad de años que llevan en activo (desde 2006), y siendo solo cuatro los LP's editados incluyendo el último de ellos, "League of the serpent" que verá la luz de forma oficial este próximo 21 de abril de 2023. Desde luego la calidad nunca ha sido un problema, antes al contrario, no puede caber duda alguna de su capacidad para hacer e interpretar música, lo que agudiza esa sensación de quedarse corto mirando su discografía. El caso es que tenemos ya entre manos los primeros destellos del nuevo disco en forma del single de adelanto "At break of dawn", una confirmación más de todo lo expuesto, una canción de la que hoy dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Far away over mountains and hills
A small group of scoundrels counting their kills
When they finally went home
Death came in the night
They lost the fight

Sailing for so many years
When they were gone someone came
Nothing was left
Every house was burned down
All trace of them gone like the wind

At break of dawn the fire we saw was burning still
At break of dawn the hunt has begun by the captains will
Stand up and fight it never was right
The enemy will be gone
At break of dawn the fire burned hard
Burning still

Journey out to the sea
Searching for anyone who might have seen
Who dared to come in to a town
To steal and kill
Repent it we will

Sailing for so many years
When they were gone someone came
Nothing was left every house was burned down
All trace of them gone like the wind

At break of dawn the fire we saw was burning still
At break of dawn the hunt has begun by the captains will
Stand up and fight it never was right
The enemy will be gone
At break of dawn the fire burned hard
Burning still

Whispers of all that went down
Nobody knows
Was it men of the crown
But soon they’ll fear the man in the dark
Sticking his sword into enemies hearts

Sailing for so many years
When they were gone someone came
Nothing was left
Every house was burned down
All trace of them gone like the wind

At break of dawn the fire we saw was burning still
At break of dawn the hunt has begun by the captains will
Stand up and fight it never was right
The enemy will be gone
At break of dawn the fire burned hard
Burning still 

By Nash 

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