viernes, 10 de abril de 2020

Canciones para una vida - Brothers Of Metal - Theft Of The Hammer


Nada más que añadir a lo dicho en las anteriores entradas sobre la banda, o sobre la obra, lo que es indudable es que, personalmente, desde el inicio de la carrera de este grupo sueco me han entrado por el ojo derecho, me ha gustado mucho su concepto y su ejecución, ya demostradas desde la inicial autoproducción de su disco debut "prophecy of ragnarok" de 2017, que posteriormente se reeditara en 2019 tras la firma de la banda por una gran discográfica, (como no podía ser de otra manera), en esta ocasión AFM records, una buena elección, puesto que está claro el potencial, ya realidad, de esta banda que les encamina con paso firme y a poco que su carrera muestre solidez en el futuro, a encabezar muchos carteles de festivales en un futuro próximo. Sea como sea hoy quiero dejar en el blog la que no será la última canción que traiga al blog de su última obra de estudio, "Emblas Saga" del presente 2020, concretamente el tema "Theft of the hammer" otro más de los muchos que componen el disco y del que dejo un enlace a youtube.

He woke up in fear and doubt
Hammerless and mad
"Give it back at once you thief
Or I'll go tell my dad"
Giant slayer, Jotun bane
Mjölnir is its name
It was stolen and defiled
Held as hostage in the giant's games

The adventure of the bride
And how Thor regained his pride

Stealing from a god
You clueless fools
I am the god of thunder
I will show you theft
Your world will fall
And crumble down before my might

Lightning and thunder, follow their path
As they hastily cross the sky
Bridesmaid and bride, ready for death
And the bloodbath that was nigh
"Look there" Loki said, as he pointed to the west
"A castle in the night"
The rage of Thor shone through the night
The thunder in his heart

Stealing from a god
You clueless fools
I am the god of thunder
I will show you theft
Your world will fall
And crumble down before me

Thunder followed by lightning
I'm crossing the sky
With vengeance in mind
Hear me, hammer of glory
I am on my way

As our bride waited for his first true kiss
His heart did beat with worry
The hammer must return
His dress fell to his feet
As he felt Mjölnir in his palm - Hammer time
The hammer has returned

Weapon in hand, he sprung from his seat
Crushing the skull of his groom
A massacre of a tremendous scale
Spreading blood across the room
The joy in his heart could not be met
The slaughter was truly obscene
The darkness within the lightning god
And a carnage seldom seen

Stealing from a god
You clueless fools
I am the god of thunder
I will show you theft
Your world will fall
And crumble down before my might 

By Nash 

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