lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

Canciones para una vida - Battle Beast - Raise Your Fists


 Traigo de nuevo el último disco publicado por la banda finlandesa "Battle Beast" con la intención de romper una lanza en su favor. Debo reconocer que al comienzo de escuchar la citada obra sentí que no iba a surtir ninguna opinión buena en mi, sobre todo atendiendo al single que da nombre a la obra. Sin embargo, para ser justos, más allá de la polémica que siempre acompañará a la banda, la salida de Kabanen  y la creación de Beast In Black, creo que la banda ha encontrado finalmente su propia parcela sonora, evidentemente con muchas similitudes a lo que hacían en tiempos de Kabanen, pero este disco me ha parecido una apuesta más personal si se quiere y eso es digno al menos de respeto. Dejo otro de los temas que componen este quinto LP de estudio, la canción "Raise your fists" de la que dejo un enlace a youtube.

With power
We've come so far
Through valleys
And mountains high
Flame eternal burns in your hearts
Hear the call
Raise your fist in to the sky

Rise up you beasts and critters
Wake up from eternal sleep
Time has come to claim your place
In the halls of twilight
Gather your strength and trust your instincts
Bend the earth, move the seas from the way
You're strong, now go and carve your path through aeons

With power
We've come so far
Through valleys
And mountains high
Flame eternal burns in your hearts
Hear the call
Raise your fist in to the sky

A mighty blast, that's what you're craving
Gushing through the storms within
Earthquakes nor tides won't stop you from racing forward
Run wild through peaks and ridges
Break a path through fire and ice
All that you dreamed of are now yours for the taking

With power
We've come so far
Through valleys
And mountains high
Flame eternal burns in your hearts
Now hear the call
Raise your fist in to the sky

No one can stop you...

Against the storm!

"Behold the might of the sea and sky as they clash in a storm of frozen bitterness
In a whirl of fire he runs through the night and takes his toll on mankind
He's fierce, he's strong, his will is made of the hardest iron
A Titan, risen from Earth, Wind and Fire, he storms through the night"

With power
We've come so far
Through valleys
And mountains high
Flame eternal burns in your hearts
Hear the call
Raise your fist in to the sky 

By Nash

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