viernes, 15 de julio de 2016

Canciones para una vida - Helloween - Keeper Of The Seven Keys


Con motivo de mi personal celebración del segundo año de existencia de este blog de canciones que hoy se cumplen, quería poner en estas páginas una canción especial, a pesar de que muchas de las que lo son para mí ya han ido apareciendo, y, como siempre me ocurre cuando trato de pensar en ese disco que es realmente especial en mi vida, de ese disco que ha dejado huella para siempre en mi existencia, acude a la cita puntual, y creo que siempre así lo hará, este "Keeper 2", del que ya he dejado tres temas en el blog, pero es que la obra es condenadamente perfecta y mucho me temo que terminaré con el tiempo recomendadndo todos y cada una de las canciones que lo componen, y es que es uno de esos discos antológicos que transcienden las barreras del tiempo, para permanecer joven, fuerte e inalterable con el paso de los lustros. Discos de tal magnitud solo aparecen de cuando en cuando y este, en mi humilde opinión y desde luego para mi, ha estado, está y presumo que estará entre los grandes de los grandes. Este "Keeper of the seven keys par 2", tiene la particularidad de ser el último disco con toda la plantilla de lujo de Helloween, antes de que Kai Hansen dejase la banda, un disco que es sin duda legendario, y como pocos con una fama tan merecida.El tema elegido hoy ante esta efeméride personal es el que da nombre a la obra, (incluida la anterior), es decir "Keeper of the seven keys", y sus casi 14 minutos, un tema que enseña todos los recursos, los más vendibles, los más de músico, de esta monumental banda que en esos años hizo lo más dificil para llegar a la figura de mito, innovar, asomar la cabeza, pisar musicalmente al resto y alcanzar una cima que, a pesar de lo azaroso-traumático de muchas épocas de la banda por las idas y venidas de miembros, ha sabido mantenerse. Sin más dejo un enlace a youtube de este temazo, agradeciendo a todos los que sigais el blog por vuestra complicidad, fidelidad y paciencia. Gracias.

Make the people hold each other's hands and fill their hearts with truth
You made up your mind so do as divined

Put on your armor, ragged after fights
Hold up your sword, you're leaving the light
Make yourself ready for the lords of the dark
They'll watch your way, so be cautious, quiet and hark

You hear them whispering in the crowns of the trees
You're whirling 'round but your eyes don't agree
Will'o' the wisps misguiding your path
You can't throw a curse without taking their wrath

Watch out for the seas of hatred and sin
Or all us people forget what we've been

Our only hope's your victory
Kill that Satan who won't let us be kill
Our only hope's your victory
Kill that Satan who won't let us be kill

You're the Keeper of the Seven Keys
That lock up the seven seas
And the Seer of Visions said before he went blind
Hide them from demons and rescue mankind

Or the world we're all in will soon be sold
To the throne of the evil payed with Lucifer's gold
To the throne of the evil payed with Lucifer's gold

You can feel cold sweat running down your neck
And the dwarfs of falseness throw mud at your back
Guided by spells from the old Seer's hand
You're suffering pain, only steel can stand

Stay well on your way and follow the sign
Fulfull your own promise and do what's divined

The seven seas are far away
Placed in the valley of dust heat and sway
The seven seas are far away
Placed in the valley of dust heat and sway

You're the Keeper of the Seven Keys
That lock up the seven seas
And the Seer of Visions said before he went blind
Hide them from demons and rescue mankind

Or the world we're all in will soon be sold
To the throne of the evil payed with Lucifer's gold
To the throne of the evil payed with Lucifer's gold

"Throw the first key into the sea of hate"

Throw the second key into the sea of fear
Throw the third key into the sea of senselessness and make the people hold each other's hands
The fourth key belongs into the sea of greed and the fifth into the sea of ignorance

Disease, disease, disease my friend for this whole world's in devil's hand
Disease, disease, disease my friend throw the key or you may die
Disease, disease, disease my friend for this whole world's in devil's hand
Disease, disease, disease my friend throw the key or you may die

On a mound at the shore of the last sea, he is sitting, fixing your sight
With his high iron voice causing sickness, he is playing you out with delight

"Man who do you just think you are?
A silly bum with seven stars

Don't throw the key or you will see dimensions cruel as they can be"
Don't let him suck off your power, throw the key, throw the key, throw the key

An earthquake, squirting fire, bursting ground
Satan's screaming and earth swallowing him away

You're the Keeper of the Seven Keys
You locked up the seven seas
And the Seer of Visions can now rest in peace
There ain't no more demons and no more disease

And mankind, live up, you're free again
Yes the tyrant is dead, he is gone, overthrown
You have given our souls back to light

By Nash  

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