viernes, 4 de octubre de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Ironflame - Riding The Dragons


El quinto disco de los estadounidenses Ironflame, "Kingdom torn asunder" no es sino una confirmación de lo que viene siendo su carrera desde el comienzo en 2016, ese concepto épico muy en la línea ochentera de las bandas americanas donde todo se realiza con cuerdas, percusión y voz alejandose de los arreglos dramáticos pero redundando en la temática fantástica de espada y brujería. En este 2024 pues sigue la conquista de fans a través de la fórmula cruda pero eficaz de su sonido, otro ejemplo "Riding the dragons" del que dejo un enlace a Youtube. 


Suddenly the trumpets are sounding, they warn of impending attack
On your feet, assemble your legions strap your swords to your backs
Hurry men, the time is upon us, we haven't a moment to spare
Glory calls, so mount up your dragons and take to the sky if you dare

Protecting the ones that we love, with fiery death from above
For power and glory we fight, we're riding the dragons tonight

Raining down with blistering fire, no way to escape from the storm
Far below, our enemies burning and cursing the day they were born
No remorse, there shall be no mercy
For those who have called us to war
Stand and fight, we'll never surrender,
The dragons shall even the score

Protecting the ones that we love, with fiery death from above
For power and glory we fight, we're riding the dragons tonight

Morning comes, the moonlight is fading
We know that our triumph is near
Victory, we are undefeated, the cowards are running in fear
Leave behind the wake of the battle
And head to the place we call home
Warriors, defending your kingdom, return to your almighty throne 

By Nash 

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Blitzkrieg - Dragon's Eye


Vamos con otro grupo clásico, poseedor sin duda de la calidad pero de igual manera dueño de una carrera irregular, a la que le costó mucho arrancar y más estabilizarse o regularizarse en lo que a constancia al publicar discos se refiere, sin embargo el concepto clásico que desarrollan es innegable. Quizá uno de los motivos de esa irregularidad se debió a que su alma mater el cantante Brian Ross estaba enrolado en el grupo Satan, banda de envergadura a la que daría prioridad a costa de Blitzkrieg. Famosos tambien por su influencia sobre Metallica, que hizo propio un tema de la banda, "Blitzkrieg", para muchos son absolutamente desconocidos aunque solo por el hecho de ser parte de la NWOBHM original ya merecen un respeto amen de por su carrera que sigue activa y más regular editando LP's desde 1998 hasta nuestros días. En este 2024 editan su undécimo album de estudio, "Blitzkrieg" del que hoy quiero dejar en el blog su canción "Dragon's eye" de la que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Beneath the mountain,
The dragon he lies sleeping,
Through the ages of time,
His legend has been told,
Of when he struck fear,
Into the hearts of men,
He flew in the sun, shining like gold.

Shining in the sun, the world will be undone.

He will return, and he will fly,
The world will turn, in a dragon's eye,
He will soar, over spires so high,
In the blink of a dragon's eye.

Beneath the silver mountain,
The dragon has awoken,
He stretches out his wings,
And he opens his eyes,
Rising to strike fear,
Into the hearts of men,
Breathing smoke and fire,
He takes to the skies.

He will return, and he will fly,
The world will turn, in a dragon's eye,
He will soar, over spires so high,
In the blink of a dragon's eye.

If you disturb the dragon,
He'll come to claim your soul,
Through skies of ash and thunder,
So the legend told,
Your sins laid out before you,
Your inner thoughts laid bare,
There's no forgiveness for you,
In the dragon's stare.

He will return, the world will burn.

He will return, and he will fly,
The world will turn, in a dragon's eye,
He will soar, over spires so high,
In the blink of a dragon's eye.

He will return, and he will fly,
The world will turn, in a dragon's eye,
He will soar, over spires so high,
In the blink of a dragon's eye.

He will return, the world will burn.
And you will die, in the blink of his eye.

I see a rainbow rising.

He will return, and he will fly,
The world will turn, in a dragon's eye,
He will soar, over spires so high,
In the blink of a dragon's eye. 

By Nash   

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Cutlass - Walk The Plank


Otra banda nueva que ve la ocasión de publicar su debut en este 2024, se trata de los británicos Cutlass, en una clave de heavy metal clásico, un tanto speedico por momentos, la banda llevaba ya un tiempo bajo el nombre de Pirates of metal, cambiando a Cutlass el pasado 2023. La temática corsaria parece ser la guía compositiva del grupo. Su debut lleva por título "Walk the plank" y de él dejo en el blog el tema que le da nombre del que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


sentenced the pirates
to death
casting down judgement
on high
now you are caught
in the waves
time to die
trying to outrun the storm
nowhere to hide on the sea
payimg the price
for your pride
your destiny
you can't escape
you can't break free
you're going under
take your last step
into the sea
and drown
Walk the plank
walk the plank
walk the plank
Walk the plank
walk the plank
walk the plank
our broadside is blasting
your hull
there's no surrender
this time
swordfs drawn and 
ready to board
you're mine
death's what awaits you
this night
justice for those
you have slain
lost to the depths
for all time
your price to pay
You can's escape
you can't break out
you're gonig under
this time we're going
to bring you down
Walk the plank
walk the plank
walk the plank
Walk the plank
walk the plank
walk the plank
sink to the depths 
of the sea
lay there and rot
for all time
terror is our legacy
now die
You can's escape
you can't break out
you're gonig under
this time we're going
to bring you down
Walk the plank
walk the plank
walk the plank
Walk the plank
walk the plank
walk the plank
Walk the plank
walk the plank
walk the plank
Walk the plank
walk the plank
walk the plank
By Nash 

martes, 1 de octubre de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Snakebite - Weekend Warrior


Resulta evidente el paso al frente dado en este 2024 por la banda alemana Snakebite, un grupo que gusta de mezclar estilos, desde el heavy metal a tesituras más melódicas, hardrockeras o modernas siempre con un regusto ochentero absolutamente disfrutable. Formados en 2012 tuvieron un inicio de carrera con dos LP's, en 2015 y 2018 para guardar silencio seis años hasta este 2024 en que editaron este "Cobra Crew" a comienzos de abril, disco del que hoy quiero dejar en el blog otro de sus temas, concretamente "Weekend Warrior" del que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Friday has come and you’re ready to go
Can't wait to leave all behind
You got a secret your colleagues don't know
A fire that burns deep inside

Now you’re at home, the conversion begins
It's time for the beast to awake
You put on your jacket with badgets and pins
Til sunday you'll follow your fate

Ready to strike, no one to stand in your way
It feels so right, turning the night into day

Weekend warrior
You’re out in the streets for a fight
Drunk and glorious
The town is in your hands tonight

When it's all over the sadness returns
You're working from nine until five
You're locked in a cage, but the fire still burns
You're partying to stay alive

Weekend warrior
You’re out in the streets for a fight
Drunk and glorious
Denying the sadness inside 

By Nash