Ahora que parece que la banda finlandesa "Brymir" realmente ha cogido velocidad de crucero con el anuncio de la salida de su tercer LP, "Wings Of Fire" para este próximo 8 de marzo de 2019, parece igualmente buen momento para repasar su aún último LP publicado "Slayer of gods" de 2016. La fórmula escogida por la banda para sacar material es un tanto curiosa con la edición de singles sin previo aviso entre obra y obra, un tanto alejados de la publicación de las mismas, como una especie de aperitivo para hacer ver que aún están con vida. Supongo que han aprendido del largo silencio que hubo entre la primera y la segunda obra, (2011 - 2016), para además editar un segundo LP con un sensible bajón con respecto al debut. De todas maneras estamos ante una gran banda y eso lo demuestran incluso durante la que no es su mejor obra hasta la fecha, ya que hay buenos temas en ella, como este "Thus I became Kronos" que hoy dejo en el blog.
I am the dawn of empires
The raven cloaked in sun
The sun that shines forevermore
The land is dark in night
Still rivers blood-red run
But the ashes of war shall be redeemed
And you will see!
I shall be Deimos
As you flee from sacrament-light
But you cannot hide from justice
The solstice, the binding chains of truth....
Enslave you to my truth!
I am the dusk of kingdoms
A raven cloaked in stars
Powers undreamed now bend their knees
You are free as I decreed:
Not of sea, we are of sun.
Blind remains the truth unleashed:
Men bow to monsters, not to the beast
Thus I become Kronos,
My sons' last sacrifice-grave
The tyrant names his traitor
The God that defiles his name!
The raven cloaked in sun
The sun that shines forevermore
The land is dark in night
Still rivers blood-red run
But the ashes of war shall be redeemed
And you will see!
I shall be Deimos
As you flee from sacrament-light
But you cannot hide from justice
The solstice, the binding chains of truth....
Enslave you to my truth!
I am the dusk of kingdoms
A raven cloaked in stars
Powers undreamed now bend their knees
You are free as I decreed:
Not of sea, we are of sun.
Blind remains the truth unleashed:
Men bow to monsters, not to the beast
Thus I become Kronos,
My sons' last sacrifice-grave
The tyrant names his traitor
The God that defiles his name!
By Nash