domingo, 31 de marzo de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Judas Priest - Victim Of Changes


En ese eterno e irresoluble debate de quien fue la primera banda en practicar heavy metal al uso, lo que no puede extrañar a nadie es que en todas las quinielas, del puñado de bandas de las que se habla siempre esté Judas Priest optando al título, y es que cuando se compara el sonido tempranero de la banda con lo que se hacía en la época no cabe ninguna duda de que el heavy metal es algo inherente al grupo. Es siempre por ello una casi obligación para cualquier metalhead mantener vivo el recuerdo de las primeras obras de la banda por su valor tanto histórico como compositivo en si mismas. El segundo trabajo del grupo llevó por título "Sad wings of destiny" de 1976, se afianzaban, despertaban miradas y comenzaban su sendero de referente para millones de bandas posteriores. De este disco dejo en el blog hoy el tema "Victim of changes" del que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Whiskey woman don't you know that you are drivin' me insane?
The liquor you give stems your will to live and gets right to my brain.
Don't you know you're driving me insane?
You're tryin' to find your way through life.
You're tryin' to get some new direction.
Another woman got her man.
She won't find no new connection.

Takes another drink or two, things look better when she's through.

Takes another look around, you're not goin' anywhere.
You've realized you're gettin' old and no one seems to care.
You're tryin' to find your way again.
You're tryin' to find some new.
Another woman's got her man but she won't find a new.

Takes another drink or two, things look better when she's through.

You 'bin foolin' with some hot guy.
I want to know why is it why.
Get up, get out you know you really blew it.
I've had enough, I've had enough, good God pluck me.

Once she was wonderful.
Once she was fine.
Once she was beautiful.
Once she was mine.

She was mine.

Now change has come over her body, she doesn't see me anymore.
Now change has come over her body, she doesn't see me anymore.


Victim of changes. 

By Nash 

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