miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2020

Canciones para una vida - Grave Digger - The Heart Of Scotland



Cuando hablamos de una banda capaz de editar, (por el momento) 19 LP's de estudio, lo hacemos de un grupo en el que no es raro que ellos mismos echen la vista atrás a su propia trayectoria y traten de rememorar alguno de los momentos más brillantes de la misma, algo que pueden conseguir con más o menos acierto, o incluso con una intención más o menos recaudativa, sin embargo, si atendemos solo a lo musical, se trata de una arma de doble filo, pues la jugada puede salir bien o mal. En el caso de Grave Digger, con este "Fileds Of Blood" el guiño es evidente al "Tunes Of War" del 96, obra simplemente magnífica, pero tratandose de un grupo con semejante capacidad, peronalmente considero esta "revisita temática" como un acierto, aunque siempre me he declarado admirador de esta banda alemana y quizá no sea del todo objetivo. El caso es que hoy quiero dejar en el blog otra de las canciones que componen esta obra, que considero recomendable en su conjunto. La canción para hoy es "The Heart Of Scotland", de la que dejo un enlace a youtube.



William the hero is gone murdered by the dragons hand
Robert the Bruce an outlaw took over the command
Rebellion was the only choice we had
A legend was born his name was written in the sand

Run and you will live at least a while
Take that chance and fight with us
And if you die, die with a smile

Raise your voices - raise your fists
For the king - the pride of our nation
Praise him and kneel - a will strong as steel
He carries the heart of Scotland
Praise him and kneel - a will strong as steel
He carries the heart of Scotland

Many battles we fought together
My love for the king will last forever
At Bannockburn we carved in stone
You are the only one who belongs to the throne

Run and you will live at least a while
Take that chance and fight with us
And if you die, die with a smile

Raise your voices - raise your fists
For the king - the pride of our nation
Praise him and kneel - a will strong as steel
He carries the heart of Scotland
Praise him and kneel - a will strong as steel
He carries the heart of Scotland

Take that chance and fight with us
And if you die, die with a smile

Raise your voices - raise your fists
For the king - the pride of our nation
Praise him and kneel - a will strong as steel
He carries the heart of Scotland
Praise him and kneel - a will strong as steel
He carries the heart of Scotland  

By Nash

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