jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2019

Canciones para una vida - Heidra - Into Cursed Lands


 Tercera ocasión en la que acudo a esta obra de los daneses "Heidra", una banda con un recorrido más largo de lo que su discografía podría dar a entender ya que llevan en esto desde 2006 y tan solo han editado dos LP's de estudio, (hasta la fecha de esta reseña). Estamos ante una de esas bandas que lo hace muy bien, dentro de un estilo death melódico con toques folk, ya que su pretensión desde el principio fue la de nutrirse del floclore nórdico algo que tiene indudablemente un reflejo en su sonido. De los dos LP's el que más me gusta es este "Awaiting Dawn" de su debut, una obra de 2014 que recomiendo a todos los amantes del género como una obra completa y que una vez más sin duda hubiera merecido mayor repercusión. De ella hoy dejo el tema "Into cursed lands", del que dejo un enlace a youtube.


“The road is long
Danger lies ahead
Through cursed lands
And far beyond you must go

In the stone circle
Carved by the ancients
You will find what you seek
The power of gods”

Heeding the witch’s words
We continued our journey
Though a few hundred men
Swords hungry for battle

Marching to their doom
Warriors clad in red
In spite of defeat
Souls ready for the fight

Clouds gathered for a storm
As we entered the marshlands
A sky devoid of stars
An ill omen for sure

Up they came from below
A throng of the deformed
Undead soulless warriors
Attacking without pause

We had been forewarned
Yet truly did not believe
Until hordes were upon us
And men fell to the accursed

A desperate fight commenced
Only a few blades
Striking well and true
Dealing everlasting death

Immense their numbers
We were losing ground
Our last and only chance
A costly retreat

Desperately falling back
Surrounded by the wicked
Slashing, tearing throats
Creatures from the netherworld

Holding on for dear life
As my brothers died
Death all around me
Deafening screams filled the air

Against a foe such as this
No mere man can prevail
Relentless and thirsting for blood
Minions of the blackened one

Fought them through the night
On the verge of despair
Banners torn to shreds
Swords drenched in black blood

Still far from defeat
Though many lay dead
Man and wretched beast
Side by side in the afterlife

As lightning from a clear sky
The sun shattered the dark
Blessed dawn had arrived
To end this waking nightmare

By Nash

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