lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

Canciones para una vida - Elvenking - Under The Sign Of A Black Star


Primer adelanto del que será ya décimo disco de estudio de los italianos "Elvenking" y que llevará por título "Reader of the runes Divination", que saldrá a la venta el próximo mes de agosto de manera oficial. A juzgar por lo escuchado en este primer single "Under the sign of a black star" vemos como la banda se perpetúa una vez más en su concepto compositivo, con un buen regusto a,los mejores momentos del grupo, que a mi entender ha pasado por alguna época menos lustrosa que otras, y que parece poco a poco recuperar el pulso de su mejor versión. Dejo un enlace a youtube de su clip oficial de este "Under the sign of a black star".

Raised in the company of snakes
the parlance of a serpent
born from the caring of a crow
the acuity of a bird of pray
all appearances they fall
when the soul is shattered
and dear reason back she crawls
when the heart is battered
A sad sad song is tuned for me
a mess of words surrounded by dust
conceived under the sign of a black star
hurt and misery
disruptive ill willed inhumane
the look on all their faces
a freak of nature soul comdemned
and damned by the almighty
enamoured by the likelihood 
of absolution
eye lids opened just in time
for execution
 A sad sad song is tuned for me
a mess of words surrounded by dust
conceived under the sign of a black star
ruin and grime is all you'll see
the first rune shows me life
the second love
the third rune is for mockery
the fourth for malice
and the fifth rune is...
Look away don't hold your breath
they are deceiving
look away don't hold your sighs
unleash your anguish
A sad sad song is tuned for me
a mess of words surrounded by dust
conceived under the sign of a black star
ruin and grime is all you'll see

By Nash

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