martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

Canciones para una vida - Axel Rudi Pell - The Wild And The Young


Siempre la palabra fidelidad acude a la mente de las obras de este guitarrista alemán, fidelidad a su propio concepto compositivo, a una banda compuesta por buenos músicos, y aunque sin duda eso hable de predecibilidad, por otro lado habla de calidad, y siempre es un punto a favor. Aprovecho la edición por parte de la banda de un lyric video de otro de los temas de su última obra como excusa para traer el tema al blog, se trata de la canción "The wild and the young" de su último LP editado "Knights Call" de este 2018, 100% Axel Rudi Pell, canción de la que dejo un enlace a youtube del citado "Lyric video oficial".

Sometimes I’m dreaming of the past
Making love in the summer while it lasts
But life ain’t easy as it seemed
Much tougher and louder than I dreamed

I thought I was living in paradise
And those were the days of my life

The wild and the young, they never look back
The wild and the young, they don’t know!
The wild and the young, just wanna have fun
All of their life still to go

The older they get they’ll be wiser
Sometimes even up to compromise
The energy, the power, their will to survive
Don’t feel for a job from 9 to 5

They think they are living in paradise
And these are the days of their lives

The wild and the young, they never look back
The wild and the young, they don’t know!
The wild and the young, just wanna have fun
All of their life still to go!

The wild and the young, they never look back
The wild and the young, they don’t know!
The wild and the young, just wanna have fun
All of their life still to go!...
The wild and the young...  

By Nash

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