domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

Canciones para una vida - Sabaton - The Last Stand


Octava obra ya de este magnífico grupo sueco, un disco al que ya he recurrido en un par de ocasiones y del que hoy quiero dejar otro tema, en esta ocasión el que da título a la obra "The last Stand", que ilustra que quizá haya sufrido la banda un pequeño bajón respecto a su trayectoria anterior, con una cierta falta de frescura, algo que, paradojicamente, pudiera estar relacionado con la renovación de gran parte de la banda, quien sabe, el caso es que la fórmula de la banda es bastante recurrente aunque igualmente efectiva, y es que quizá Sabatón este haciendo demasiado refrito de algunas de sus propias melodías más exitosas, y eso nos da la sensación de haber escuchado ya la obra casi a las primeras de cambio, parte buena, si te gusta la propuesta sabatoniana este album te entra a la primera, de forma facilísima, parte mala, se les ve el plumero de una cierta vagancia (como mínimo) y esperemos que no de una sequía compositiva porque hacen falta unos Sabaton frescos en la escena internacional, veremos. Hoy, como decía más arriba dejo el tema homónimo al título de la obra, "The last stand", del que dejo un enlace a youtube.

In the heart of the Holy See
In the home of Christianity
The seat of power is in danger

There's a foe of a thousand swords
They've been abandoned by their lords
Their fall from grace will pave their path, to damnation

Then the 189
In the service of heaven
They're protecting the Holy Line
It was 1527
Gave their lives on the steps to heaven
Thy will be done!

For the grace, for the might of our Lord
For the home of the Holy
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Gave their lives so boldly

For the grace, for the might of our Lord
In the name of His glory
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Come and tell their story again

Under guard of 42
Along a secret avenue
Castel Saint Angelo is waiting

They're the guard of the Holy See
They're the guards of Christianity
Their path to history is paved with salvation

Then the 189
In the service of heaven
They're protecting the Holy Line
It was 1527
Gave their lives on the steps to heaven
Thy will be done!

For the grace, for the might of our Lord
For the home of the Holy
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Gave their lives so boldly

For the grace, for the might of our Lord
In the name of His glory
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Come and tell their story again

Dying for salvation with dedication
No capitulation, annihilation
Papal commendation, reincarnation
Heaven is your destination

Dying for salvation with dedication
No capitulation, annihilation
Papal commendation, reincarnation
Heaven is your destination

In the name of God!

For the grace, for the might of our Lord
For the home of the Holy
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Gave their lives so boldly

For the grace, for the might of our Lord
In the name of His glory
For the faith, for the way of the sword
Come and tell their story
Gave their lives so boldly
Come and tell the Swiss Guards' story again

By Nash 

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