domingo, 7 de enero de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Scorpions - Speedy's Coming


Otra banda legendaria, una de las que más discos ha vendido a lo largo de su historia, una de las pioneras dentro del heavy metal y el hard rock, con un sello personal reconocible desde sus inicios, capaces de seguir sacando LP's alucinantes casi seis décadas después de su formación allá por 1964, son los alemanes Scorpions. Echando un vistazo a sus  comienzos, hoy quiero dejar en el blog uno de los temas incluidos en su segundo LP de estudio, "Fly to the rainbow" de 1974, continuador de su debut de 1972, y poniendo claramente sus credenciales a banda importante en un futuro próximo desde tan temprano. El tema que abre la obra es "Speedy's coming" y de él dejo hoy en el blog un enlace a youtube. 


You look at a poster
You look at the wall
The wall in the room where you live
Where you live with your stars
Just listen to his records
Now hear what he says
For he says, "i love you little girl
Come to see me today"

Speedy's coming
You live in his heart
Speedy's coming
You live in his heart

You like alice cooper
You like ringo starr
You like david bowie
And friends in the royal albert hall
Stick up the pictures, movies, tv
And I'll bring you the show little girl
Come to see me today

Speedy's coming
You live in his heart
Speedy's coming
You live in his heart

You like alice cooper
You like ringo starr
You like david bowie
And friends in the royal albert hall
Stick up the pictures, movies, tv
And I'll bring you the show little girl
Come to see me today

Speedy's coming
You live in his heart
Speedy's coming
You live in his heart
Speedy's coming
You live in his heart
Speedy's coming
You live in his heart 

By Nash 

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