domingo, 27 de marzo de 2022

Canciones para una vida - Chronomancy - Emperor Of The Fading Suns & March Of The Swordmaster



Continuando con ese momento dulce de la escena griega hoy traigo a l blog a otra de sus bandas, otra de las que se han formado de forma relativamente reciente, (2010), que practica un power metal de corte épico, presentando muchos de esos elementos citados en las bandas griegas, en esta ocasión sin llegar a caer tanto en esa vertiente "True". El grupo ha presentado ya varios cambios en su formación y desde su creación han editado dos LP's de estudio, el último de ellos de reciente factura, este mes y del que hablaré en otra ocasión seguramente, y un EP en 2017 del que hoy quiero dejar en el blog uno de los temas que lo componen, en concreto el que abre la obra más su intro previa, "Emperor of the fading suns & March of the swordmaster", temática épica, acompañada como digo por muchos de los clichés de género y de la escena nativa de la banda, una canción de la que dejo un enlace a youtube.


 The winds of magic are blowing again
My mind has been sharpened, my sword is the same
The banner of my house is dancing alive
My country's good people are faced with the knife

For years I've been training the discipline of steel
To fight with soft hardness, with mercy to kill
The swordsmen I've trained would follow me to death
So singing our songs we will now march on

To the feast of live steel

Onward to Glory or Death

Traditions old from ancient times
Warriors create civilizations
Sweet is the task for those who dare
The blossomed war can change the whole world

Animal instincts have no place
If our world is to be made better
So act with honour and fairness
For a dog's death awaits the traitors

Secrets of the blade hidden from the sight
The warrior's true power is always inside
Cut deep in the darkness you hide deep inside
Find what is obscure and then bring it to light

Know your own self before your enemy
Then your sword as your own extension you'll see
To sharpen your mind is to sharpen your blade
Remember your training and you will win

To the feast of live steel

Onward to Glory or Death

The power or mortals derives from symbols and gods
A true force of nature rapidly you must become
Understanding the truth sets you free and lets you shine
That is why Swordmasters need to be Philosophers

Swords are gleaming in the light
Force of honesty and might
Web of steel protects the rise
Of Philosophy's sunrise

By Nash

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