miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2024

Canciones para una vida - Judas Priest - Giants In The Sky


Parece haber habido consenso general sobre el momento excelente de forma como banda de los británicos Judas Priest en el momento actual, "Invincible Shield" es la prueba palpable de ello, una obra que raya a un nivel general altísimo y que pone en cabeza una vez más a Judas de entre los más grandes, han sabido envejecer perfectamente como grupo, siendo más fieles que nadie a su concepto, sin excusas ni cambios, simplemente un disco más que no desentona en una discografía simplemente épica. De este "Invincible shield" dejo hoy en el blog otro de sus temas, en concreto "Giants in the sky" del que dejo un enlace a youtube.




The mighty have fallen
The memories fading
The legend still lives on
The sound of the giants
The echoes remaining
Will never be forgot

Homage to the legends
'Til the bitter end
Leaving such a legacy my friends

Giants in the sky
You won't ever die
Giants in the sky
You won't ever die

The sound of their music
Alive in the cosmos
There's power in the air
The world is on fire
Their energies blazing
They left us all they had

Homage to the legends
'Til the bitter end
Leaving such a legacy my friends

Giants in the sky
You won't ever die
Giants in the sky
You won't ever die

If you only knew just how much you mean to me
And how your love still gets me through the day
I'm not alone when you care
Having someone that's always there
Helps me pull through you always do
You're never far away

Homage to the legends
'Til the bitter end
Leaving such a legacy my friends

Giants in the sky
You won't ever die
Giants in the sky
You won't ever die
Giants in the sky
Won't ever

By Nash 

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