viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2023

Canciones para una vida - Iron Savior - In The Realm Of Heavy Metal



Segundo adelanto del nuevo LP de los germanos, la banda tras la que Piet Sielk se muestra como el lider que es, siempre con una importante carga histórica muchas veces ya explicada en este blog, y que aunque parezca que a fuego lento por el gran número de años de acitividad, la discografía de Iron Savior va poco a poco aumentando su importancia, su reconocimiento y su peso específico. "Firestar" será ya el décimo cuarto LP de la banda y de él dejo hoy en el blog el citado segundo adelanto, "In the realm of heavy metal" del que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Lightning strikes, thunder rolls
In moonless night
Hufbeats pounding through the plains
As the heroes ride

Clashing steel and battle cry
Banners waving high
The bold on the attack
Not afraid to die

Unyielding warriors
Valiant knights of honor and pride
Comrades in arms
Defeating the dark
Into glory they ride

In the kingdom of thunder and steel
Where monsters and dragons are real
Where heroes and kings
Ride into battle
Where we all unite
In the realm of heavy metal

Fire breathing demon
Lurking in the dark
But the wizard gives him hell
Brave at heart

Inside the dragon's lair
In the hope of despair
To find the one
The one that rules them all
Chosen to follow the call

In the kingdom of thunder and steel
Where monsters and dragons are real
Where heroes and kings
Ride into battle
Where we all unite
In the realm of heavy metal

In the kingdom of thunder and steel
Where witchcraft and magic are real
Where tyrants and monsters
Are meeting their fate
And die by the blade

In the kingdom of thunder and steel
Where monsters and dragons are real
Where heroes and kings
Ride into battle
Where we all unite
In the realm of heavy metal  

By Nash

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