domingo, 23 de agosto de 2020

Canciones para una vida - Judicator - Let There Be Light



Otra de las canciones pertenecientes al nuevo disco de los estadounidenses "Judicator", el quinto ya de la banda con ese sonido que, sobre todo en lo vocal, se nos hace tan familiar por el registro que en muchas ocasiones nos hace pensar en Blind guardian, aunque compositivamente la estructura de las canciones no se parezca tanto, y eso que el power que realiza la banda está mucho más cerca del concepto europeo que del americano. sea como sea, y como las comparaciones al final son siempre odiosas, desde luego la banda estadounidense ha demostrado ya en obras anteriores su enorme calidad y buen hacer, y este quinto disco sigue la misma senda. Como digo este tema que hoy dejo en el blog, "Let there be light" es buena prueba de esa calidad, canción de la que dejo un enlace a youtube. 


Only recently I failed, and yet I bore no punishment
So here's the tale, a battle lost - the fields beside Callinicum
The Persians swept into our lands, (and) on Easter Day we came in range
The men were firm, they wanted blood on this, a day meant for the Lord
But bound to fast, we tired quick
And so the Persians rolled us up

Awoken from the mist of haunted, dim-lit daydreams, I sharply snap back into focus
Our ally Hilderic in former Roman Africa has been imprisoned by (a) usurper

Ocean waves slap the hull
Sunbeams yonder pierce the clouds
Our destiny, the liberate our kinsmen who, as of now, face persecution

O stavros nika, oh let there be light!
I'll bear my cross of guilt and walk up to the mark
O stavros nika, oh let there be light
May I redeem myself from Callinicum

Our mission is holy, as the Vandals permit piracy and persecute the orthodox
This isn't vainglory, but rather just reconquest
So Gelimer, your time is nigh!

Ocean waves slap the hull
Sunbeams yonder pierce the clouds
On either side, my wife and godson stand proud
And back at home, our daughter waits

O stavros nika, oh let there be light
I'll bear my cross of shame and march on through the mire
O stavros nika, oh let there be light
May I redeem myself from Callinicum

Golden rays crack the clouds
Shimmering shoreline smiles

Oh my God, hear our prayers
Condescend out of mercy
Give us strength, give us courage
Let us fear you evermore

And my wife, Antonina
May she be ever be my side 

By Nash 

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