martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

Canciones para una vida - Heidra - A Crown Of Five Fingers


A finales de octubre del presente 2018 ha visto la luz el segundo LP de la banda danesa "Heidra", a la que ya me he referido con anterioridad en este blog. A pesar de tratarse de su segundo LP, sin embargo el grupo lleva tras de si una larga trayectoria enmarcada en un sonido folk viking death melódico que en el primer LP, "Awaiting Dawn" de 2014 ya despertase grandes espectativas de lo que podría llegar a conseguir la banda en el futuro. Sin duda este segundo disco de estudio del que hoy dejo un tema en el blog sirve como confirmación de por donde quieren encaminar su carrera los daneses. Puedes escuchar en la música de Heidra muchas reminiscencias a bandas, estilos, desde clásicos a más nuevos, desde death melódico a una base casi power en ocasiones, con coros a veces épicos y otras veces con cambios levemente "progresivos", siempre con la calidad por estandarte y con un buen equilibrio compositivo que les hace bastante completos y sus discos fáciles de disfrutar. Quiero pues dejar una canción de esta última obra publicada, a fecha de esta reseña, en concreto la canción "A crown of five fingers", de la que dejo un enlace a youtube.

The sword can be found on an island
Out in a shallow black sea
But first you must reckon a price with the ferryman
He does not sail for free

I have killed, I have died and forsaken
All those who stood by my side
Over the waves a dark sword shall awaken
And to glory or death I ride

The sailor was tall and seemed made out of driftwood
Bleached white as weather-worn bone
Though both of his arms began at his shoulders
One long fingered hand hung alone

‘A lord of the trolls wove a crown from my fingers
That has no right to rest on his brow.
That is the price if you’ll cross this black ocean
For without me all men are dragged down’

Though I’d not seen a town or a house or a dwelling
In this most accursed of lands
There were still a folk who lived under the surface
To whom I must make my demands

Down I climbed to the bowels of the underworld
And met with a lord of the fey
Give me the crown with its five wooden fingers
So that I might be on my way

The lord was short and most grim to behold
With arms like the trunks of a tree
His skin was like bark, his eyes small and dark
And with these words gave answer to me

“You may not have my crown with its long wooden fingers
For too well it rests on my brow
But you are quite welcome to come here and take it”
And just such a thing did I vow

I have killed, I have died and forsaken
All those who stood by my side
Over the waves a dark sword shall awaken
And to glory or death I ride

By Nash

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